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Share some HCNA H35-360-ENU exam questions and answers below. One SE2600 can support the A-SBC and the I-SBC at the same time. A. TRUE B. FALSE Answer: A
The M2000 server usually uses ( ) operation system. A. Linux B. Windows C. MAC D. Solaris Answer: D
The HTTP Degist authentication procedure do NOT need the 401 SIP message. A. TRUE B. FALSE Answer: B
Based on the deployment position, how many types can the SE2600 be classified into? ( ) (Select 2 answers) A. A-SBC B. C-SBC C. I-SBC D. O-SBC Answer: AC
What is the information can be obtained through NS query by ENS? ( ) A. the protocol over which query data is transmitted B. the port over which query data is transmitted C. destination IP address D. name of the server Answer: D
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